Post by Vilius MockûnasHello,
Is it possible to get access token information using vbscript ?
Most of the information in the access token provided to a user when they
authenticate is identical to the information you get when you retrieve the
value of the tokenGroups attribute of the user object. This is an
operational attribute, meaning the values are constructed by AD upon
request. It is a multi-valued array of security group SID's. Each SID value
is itself a byte array. An example for the current user could be:
Option Explicit
Dim objSysInfo, strUserDN, objUser
Dim arrbytSIDs, j, arrstrGroupSIDs()
Dim strHexSID
' Bind to current user object.
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
strUserDN = objSysInfo.UserName
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUserDN)
' Retrieve tokenGroups attribute.
objUser.GetInfoEx Array("tokenGroups"), 0
arrbytSIDs = objUser.Get("tokenGroups")
' Convert into an array of hex string values.
If (UBound(arrbytSIDs) = -1) Then
' No group SID values, do nothing.
ElseIf (TypeName(arrbytSIDs) = "Byte()") Then
' One group SID.
ReDim arrstrGroupSIDs(0)
arrstrGroupSIDs(0) = OctetToHexStr(arrbytSIDs)
' More than one SID value in the array.
ReDim arrstrGroupSIDs(UBound(arrbytSIDs))
For j = 0 To UBound(arrbytSIDs)
arrstrGroupSIDs(j) = OctetToHexStr(arrbytSIDs(j))
End If
' Display the SID values.
' Display both hex and decimal values.
For Each strHexSID In arrstrGroupSIDs
Wscript.Echo strHexSID
Wscript.Echo HexSIDToDec(strHexSID)
Function OctetToHexStr(ByVal arrbytOctet)
' Function to convert OctetString (byte array) to Hex string.
Dim k
OctetToHexStr = ""
For k = 1 To Lenb(arrbytOctet)
OctetToHexStr = OctetToHexStr _
& Right("0" & Hex(Ascb(Midb(arrbytOctet, k, 1))), 2)
End Function
Function HexSIDToDec(ByVal strSID)
' Function to convert most hex SID values to decimal format.
Dim arrbytSID, lngTemp, j
ReDim arrbytSID(Len(strSID)/2 - 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(arrbytSID)
arrbytSID(j) = CInt("&H" & Mid(strSID, 2*j + 1, 2))
If (UBound(arrbytSID) = 11) Then
HexSIDToDec = "S-" & arrbytSID(0) & "-" _
& arrbytSID(1) & "-" & arrbytSID(8)
Exit Function
End If
If (UBound(arrbytSID) = 15) Then
HexSIDToDec = "S-" & arrbytSID(0) & "-" _
& arrbytSID(1) & "-" & arrbytSID(8)
lngTemp = arrbytSID(15)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(14)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(13)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(12)
HexSIDToDec = HexSIDToDec & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
Exit Function
End If
HexSIDToDec = "S-" & arrbytSID(0) & "-" _
& arrbytSID(1) & "-" & arrbytSID(8)
lngTemp = arrbytSID(15)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(14)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(13)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(12)
HexSIDToDec = HexSIDToDec & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
lngTemp = arrbytSID(19)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(18)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(17)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(16)
HexSIDToDec = HexSIDToDec & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
lngTemp = arrbytSID(23)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(22)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(21)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(20)
HexSIDToDec = HexSIDToDec & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
If (UBound(arrbytSID) > 23) Then
lngTemp = arrbytSID(25)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSID(24)
HexSIDToDec = HexSIDToDec & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
End If
End Function